What is airsoft?

Our comprehensive guide

Airsoft is a thrilling, action-packed sport that has grown exponentially in popularity over the years. It involves the use of replica firearms in team-based combat scenarios that mimic real-world military engagements. Originating from Japan in the 1970s, airsoft has since spread worldwide, with a passionate community of players and enthusiasts.

The game's name, "airsoft," comes from the Japanese term "soft air gun," which refers to the green gas used as a propellant in the original airsoft guns. Today, however, airsoft guns can be powered by various means, including spring mechanisms, electric motors, or pressurized gas.

Unlike paintball, another popular combat simulation sport, airsoft uses small, round plastic pellets known as BBs. These BBs, typically 6mm in diameter, are fired at relatively low velocities, making the sport safe when played with the appropriate protective gear.

Airsoft guns themselves are designed to be realistic replicas of real firearms, ranging from standard handguns to sniper rifles and light machine guns. This realism is part of the sport's appeal, with many airsoft guns featuring the same mechanical actions as their real-world counterparts.

But airsoft is more than just a game; it's a community. With various roles to play, strategies to learn, and gear to customize, airsoft offers something for everyone. Whether you're interested in the tactical aspect, the physical challenge, or the social experience, airsoft is a hobby that can quickly turn into a passion.

Stay tuned as we explore more about this exciting sport, including how to get started, what gear you'll need, and tips for improving your gameplay. We'll also delve into the various categories of airsoft equipment, from assault rifles and handguns to tactical gear and protection. Whether you're a newcomer to the sport or an experienced player looking to up your game, we're here to guide you on your airsoft journey.

What Makes Airsoft Different from Other Sports?

Airsoft is unique in the realm of sports for several reasons. While it shares similarities with other shooting sports such as paintball or laser tag, there are key aspects that set airsoft apart and create a distinct and immersive experience for its players.


One of the key differentiating factors is the unparalleled realism that airsoft offers. The equipment used in airsoft, from the guns to the tactical gear, closely mimics real-world counterparts. Airsoft guns are designed to replicate the look, feel, and, in some cases, the operation of real firearms. This realism extends to the game's tactics and strategies, which often mirror those used in military and law enforcement scenarios.

Teamwork and Strategy

Airsoft is not just about who has the best gear or the sharpest shooting skills; it's also about teamwork and strategy. Success in an airsoft game often hinges on how well a team can work together, communicate, and execute planned strategies. This aspect of the sport adds a layer of depth and complexity that can be incredibly rewarding.

Variety of Game Modes

Airsoft offers a wide range of game modes, from traditional team deathmatches to objective-based games like capture the flag or defend the base. There are also MilSim (Military Simulation) events that aim to recreate the conditions of real military operations, with structured command chains, mission objectives, and even role-playing elements.


Another aspect that sets airsoft apart is the level of customization available. Players can modify and upgrade their guns, fine-tuning their performance to suit individual play styles. This includes choosing different types of guns such as Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, or Submachine Guns, and then further customizing these with various internal and external parts. The same applies to gear and equipment, with a vast range of options from clothing and protective gear to various tactical accessories.


Finally, the airsoft community is a key part of what makes this sport special. From local clubs and fields to international events and online forums, airsoft fosters a global community of passionate players and enthusiasts. The spirit of sportsmanship, camaraderie, and shared enthusiasm for the sport is a major draw for many players.

In conclusion, the realism, teamwork, strategic depth, customization options, and vibrant community all combine to make airsoft a unique and engaging sport. Whether you're drawn to the action, the tactics, the gear, or the social aspect, there's something in airsoft for everyone.

What are Some Basic Terms in Airsoft?

Entering the world of airsoft can feel a bit like learning a new language, with a whole array of specialized terms and acronyms. Understanding these terms is key to navigating the sport and communicating effectively with other players. Here are some of the most common terms you'll encounter in airsoft:

Types of Airsoft Guns

  • AEG (Automatic Electric Gun): These are battery-powered guns that can usually fire in both semi-automatic and fully automatic modes. They are among the most common type of airsoft guns, with AEG Assault Rifles and AEG Submachine Guns being popular choices.
  • GBBR (Gas Blowback Rifle): These guns use gas to propel the BBs and to simulate the recoil of a real gun. GBBR Assault Rifles and GBBR Submachine Guns offer a more realistic experience but may require more maintenance.
  • Spring Gun: These guns use a manually cocked spring to fire BBs. They are often cheaper and simpler than AEGs and GBBRs, making them a popular choice for beginners or for certain roles like snipers, who might use a Spring Sniper Rifle.
  • HPA (High Pressure Air): These guns use pressurized air to propel BBs. They are highly customizable and can offer superior performance, but they require an external air tank.

Game Terms

  • MilSim (Military Simulation): This is a type of game that aims to recreate the conditions of real military operations, with structured command chains, mission objectives, and often role-playing elements.
  • CQB (Close Quarters Battle): This refers to combat in tight spaces like buildings or urban areas. CQB often requires different tactics and gear than open-field play.
  • FPS (Feet Per Second): This is the measure of the speed at which a BB leaves the barrel of an airsoft gun. Different fields and events may have limits on FPS for safety reasons.
  • Hop-Up: This is a device within the gun that puts a backspin on the BB as it leaves the barrel, increasing its range and accuracy.

Gear Terms

  • Loadout: This refers to the gear a player carries into a game, including their gun, ammo, tactical gear, and any other equipment.
  • Hi-Cap (High Capacity) and Mid-Cap (Mid Capacity): These refer to types of magazines. Hi-Cap magazines hold more BBs but may require winding, while Mid-Cap magazines hold fewer BBs but feed them directly into the gun without winding.

Understanding these terms is a great first step into the world of airsoft. As you delve deeper into the sport, you'll encounter even more specialized terms and concepts - a testament to the depth and complexity that makes airsoft such an engaging hobby.

Who plays airsoft?

Airsoft is a game that appeals to a diverse range of people, crossing boundaries of age, background, and occupation.

  • Age: People of all ages play airsoft. While it's most popular among teenagers and young adults, many older individuals enjoy the sport too. The minimum age for airsoft varies depending on local laws and specific field rules, but generally, participants under 18 need parental consent.
  • Backgrounds: From students to professionals, people from all walks of life enjoy airsoft. It's a hobby that can be picked up easily, and its versatility makes it appealing to a broad audience.
  • Occupation: Airsoft isn't limited to any particular occupation. Students, office workers, servicemen and servicewomen, and even retirees find enjoyment in the sport. It's a great way to escape the everyday routine and step into a world of strategic and physical challenges.
  • Fitness enthusiasts: Airsoft can be physically demanding, making it a fun way to stay active. From running and ducking to strategic maneuvering, it involves a range of physical activities. Fitness enthusiasts who are looking for a fun and engaging way to stay in shape might find airsoft appealing.
  • History and Military Enthusiasts: Due to its roots in military simulation, airsoft is also popular among history and military enthusiasts. It offers a unique way to explore different eras and strategies in a hands-on, immersive way.

Why play airsoft?

Airsoft is more than just a game; it's a community, a form of exercise, and a chance to engage in a unique form of entertainment. Here are some of the reasons people are drawn to airsoft:

  • Community: One of the main appeals of airsoft is the community. Players often form teams and clubs, creating a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences. It's a sport that encourages cooperation, communication, and mutual respect.
  • Strategy: Airsoft is not just about physical abilities; it's also a game of strategy. Each match requires planning, teamwork, and tactical thinking. This combination of physical and mental challenges can be incredibly rewarding and enjoyable.
  • Realism: Unlike many other sports, airsoft offers a high level of realism. The weapons used are replicas of real firearms, and the game scenarios often mimic real-world military or law enforcement situations. This level of detail and authenticity adds an extra layer of immersion and excitement to the game.
  • Fitness: As a physically demanding game, airsoft can be a fun way to stay in shape. It involves a lot of movement, including running, ducking, and climbing, all of which can help improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness.
  • Variety: The sheer variety of airsoft games is another significant draw. From close-quarters battles to long-range sniper scenarios, from small skirmishes to large, organized milsim (military simulation) events, there's always something new to try in airsoft.
  • Gear: For many players, the appeal of airsoft is also in the gear. The opportunity to choose from a wide array of Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Sniper Rifles, and Tactical Gear offers a lot of customization options and can be a big part of the fun.

Whether it's the camaraderie, the strategy, the realism, the physical challenge, or the gear, airsoft has something to offer almost everyone. It's a sport that's as diverse and inclusive as the people who play it.

Is airsoft safe?

When approached responsibly, airsoft is a safe sport. Like any physical activity, it carries some risk, but with the right precautions and gear, these risks can be minimized. Here are the key points to understand about safety in airsoft:

  • Protective Gear: One of the most crucial aspects of airsoft safety is the use of appropriate protective gear. This includes eye protection, face protection, and often body protection. Eye protection is mandatory in all games, as BBs can cause serious eye injury. High-quality Eye Protections and Face Protections are essential pieces of safety gear for every player.
  • Rules and Regulations: Each game, field, or event will have its own set of safety rules and regulations. These might include rules about the maximum velocity of airsoft guns, restrictions on blind firing, or requirements for 'bang' or 'surrender' rules at close distances. Following these rules is critical to maintaining safety during games.
  • Weapon Handling: Safe weapon handling is another important aspect of airsoft safety. This includes treating every airsoft gun as if it were loaded, never pointing a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot, and keeping your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
  • Respect and Sportsmanship: Finally, respect and sportsmanship go a long way in maintaining safety in airsoft. This includes respecting the rules, the field, other players, and the game itself. A good player is a safe player, and vice versa.

In conclusion, airsoft is a safe sport when all participants adhere to safety guidelines, use the appropriate protective gear, and treat each other with respect. It's a thrilling and engaging activity that, with the right precautions, can be enjoyed with minimal risk.